Condominium Administration
Apart from giving greater value to your property if renting or selling, Condominium Administration is essential by law and provides you with a sense of well being and a clean living environment within your blocks' communal areas.
Ewi Home Services puts your mind at rest and ensures that your common parts are taken care of in the most effective and professional manner possible.
Services include:
Executing the decisions taken by the owners in the general meeting.
Implementing services and facilities including but not limited to cleaning of common parts, lift servicing and maintenance, condominium insurance, communal electricity and water bills administration and general maintenance of the common parts such as painting, electric works, modifications etc..
Preserving the common parts by ensuring regular cleaning and execute any required maintenance, seeking the most advantageous conditions, reasonably obtained, for the benefit of all owners.
Enforcing insurance coverage for the common areas, including Public Liability and Fire.
Open a bank account in the association’s name where all contributions / reserve funds will be deposited, and any ordinary expenses withdrawn from.
The Administrator will collect the maintenance fee from the owners and deposit it into the bank account.
Keeping records of financial transactions and present the accounts at the general meeting, or upon request.
Ensuring that an estimate of income and expenditure is drawn up for the year.
Ensure the observance of the Rules and Regulations.
The administrator will be empowered to perform all acts of administration, and is bound to undertake obligations on behalf of the association.